How to Listen to Your Inner Voice.

Understanding your body’s signals to confidently know what you want.

Gain clarity, set actionable goals, and create a roadmap for success
with a skillful, Certified Life Coach for women.

In a world with so many loud voices, it's easy not to hear the whispers of our true desires and needs.

This exercise, "Connecting to Your Inner Voice," is designed to help you confidently know what you want and make intentional choices that align with your authentic self.

By practicing micro asks and paying attention to your body's signals (somatic listening), you can cultivate a deeper awareness of what truly resonates with you.

Why do to listen to my inner voice?

  1. Self-Awareness: Understanding your desires increases your self-awareness, allowing you to make choices that are true to your values and needs.

  2. Intentional Living: Making intentional choices leads to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. It helps you move away from autopilot and towards mindful living.

  3. Confidence: Knowing what you want boosts your confidence, as you become more attuned to your preferences and less influenced by external opinions.

  4. Empowerment: This practice empowers you to take control of your life, making decisions that align with your authentic self.

About this Exercise

By noticing your body’s response to these micro-decisions, you train yourself to recognize and honor your inner voice.

This heightened awareness helps you make more intentional choices, leading to a life that feels more authentic and fulfilling.

Over time, you'll find it easier to discern what you truly want in more significant areas of your life, from career decisions to personal relationships.

The exercise

  1. Micro-decision Ritual (select one that speaks to you or pick your own ritual)

    1. Morning Wardrobe Selection:

  • Open your wardrobe with the intention of selecting the perfect item to wear. Run your fingers over your clothing, paying attention to their texture, color, and how they feel against your skin.

  • Listen to your body and notice any signals that indicate a particular item is the one you want. It might be a sense of excitement, comfort, ease, etc.

  • Choose the item that resonates most with you, trusting your inner voice.

2. Breakfast or Lunch Choice

  • Before deciding what to eat, take a moment to consider all your options. Visualize each choice and pay attention to your body's responses.

  • Notice which option calls to you the most. It might be a craving, a sense of satisfaction, or just a clear feeling that it's the right choice.

  • Select the option that feels most aligned with your desire.

. 2. Daily Micro Asks:

  • Throughout your day, practice asking yourself micro questions about your preferences. For example, "Which route do I feel like taking to work today?" or "Which book am I drawn to reading right now?"

  • Pay attention to your body's signals and trust your internal compass to guide you.

3. Reflection:

  • At the end of each day, reflect on the choices you made. Consider how it felt to make decisions based on your true desires. Notice any patterns or insights that emerge.

Get what you want.

Gain clarity, set actionable goals, and create a roadmap for success with a skillful, Certified Life Coach for women.