Are You A Precrastinator?

My name is Vanessa and I’m a recovering precrastinator.

Yep, you read that right. PREcrastinator. I don’t wait to do things - I dive in headfirst just to feel the sweet relief of getting them done.

Do it now.gif

If I got 5 minutes back for every time I shot out an email reply just to get it out of my inbox, well, this year would be even longer than 2020.

It FEELS effective, but it's not. I could have saved myself a lot of time and agony if I didn’t take on a less-than-mandatory project, start a document, send an email. So much would have resolved ITSELF. Others would have taken their rightful responsibility. And I could relax and chill. 💅

For the sake of teaching being the best way to learn, here are the top ways I deal with precrastination:

👉 Slow down, and remind myself of my intention. (i.e., What am I hoping to achieve by sending this email?)

👉 Default to “inspired action.” Action initiated from a place of inner knowingness or inspiration (rather than anxiety.)

👉 Create a gatekeeping structure around my trigger tasks. For instance, I’ve learned to keep my email app closed to avoid firing back unnecessary emails. I set aside specific times a day for email and other tasks I can “batch.”

Post-precrastinators unite!


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