You Have Only Three Realistic Choices

Situation got you worrying? You have exactly three choices.

Based on a passage from Eckhart Tolle's NYTimes bestselling book, The Power of Now, to complain is madness - instead, take action with one of these three choices:

1️⃣ Change it. What’s within your control in this situation? What are you able to change?
2️⃣ Leave it. What are you able to leave about the situation - the location, person, or something on the other side of a boundary you draw?
3️⃣ Accept it. If none of the above are possible, what do you need in order to accept the situation 100%?

Eckhart Tolle's "Three Choices" Framework

❤️Acceptance doesn't mean giving up or needing to believe that "things will always be this way." It's is about dropping the secondary struggle with ruminating thoughts and being willing to be with what is, the emotions that come up, and bringing openness and curiosity to the challenge.

I love this framework - it's totally practical and can immediately defang a difficult situation by providing clarity of choice.


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