What’s the 10-10-10 Rule?

Another useful strategy when approaching doing something uncomfortable is the 10-10-10 Rule.

The 10-10-10 Rule is simply thinking about how you will feel in 10 minutes, 10 months, 10 years.

For instance, if I had applied the 10-10-10 Rule a year ago when starting my newsletter, here's how it might have looked:

  • In 10 minutes - I'll feel hesitant, maybe even a little embarrassed, judging if what I’d written was good enough.

  • In 10 months - I’ll be much more comfortable and fluent with all the steps and the content.

  • In 10 years - it won't even matter and I'll be glad I did what fit my values.

Be good to your future self 🥰

Use the 10-10-10 Rule to make good decisions.


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When the Golden Rule Isn’t Solid Gold… and What to Use Instead